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Don't forget the Dads.........

Often we tend to focus on the Mums who have a child with Duchenne and the Dad’s don’t get much of a mention, I know that some mums are out there doing it alone and I really do feel for them, I’m lucky to have an amazing man by my side supporting me through life and I can only imagine how hard it is for the single mums and dads out there raising a child alone with Duchenne you are amazing to me!!!

I just want to say thanks to the dad’s out there who are in their child’s life and supporting them through this tough battle, I think it’s important to recognize them and all that they do!!! In a lot of cases I know that the Mum is home taking care of the kids while dad is out earning the money, working to provide for his family and that is just as important as the care us Mums give to our kids.

My dad I know did a lot for my brother, he use to massage his legs morning and night he stood by my mother’s side, he went to work and provided for us, we always had food on the table and a roof over our heads, we were not by any means rich financially but we had everything we needed!

I often wonder how my husband feels about everything, we are pretty open with each other but I have found that men tend to not talk like us women do, they just seem to get on with things and I think we need to acknowledge how these men must feel, I’m sure they feel equally as devastated as us mum’s do with the diagnosis, I am sure they feel the same pain we do watching our children struggle with everyday tasks and I know my husband wishes he could be here with us every day and I know that he worries about the future when Kye gets bigger and there will be a lot more to deal with.

Something that was once said to me by my estranged mother-in-law regarding my Husband’s battle with childhood cancer, she complained to me that My husband’s father was always at work while she sat at the hospital by her son’s side, she went on to say he didn’t care that she had to sit there all day while he was off working, I was so horrified by this statement, my response was “ well hey someone had to pay the medical bills, put food on the table and keep the mortgage up to date” I know my father-in-law cared of course it worried him that his wife was dealing with all the hard stuff, I don’t for one minute think that he didn’t care, just because he wasn’t there every day by his son’s side does not mean he was not equally as devastated and upset and worried as she was. He spend whatever time he could with my husband while he was not at work, I think it must have been hard for him to not be there, I just wanted to make it clear that I have the up most respect for all the dad’s out there who are dealing with Duchenne the ones who are standing by their children, we have not forgotten you guys and I want to say a big thank you from us all, you are amazing men and our son’s/daughters will benefit from having your support and love!!!!

Also I’d like to say to the Mum’s out there that have been abandoned by the dads, you are amazing women and are doing a fantastic job even though at times I know you are questioning yourselves, you are just wonderful and your children are so lucky to have such strong women by their sides, the Duchenne Journey is not an easy one, but it is made easier by having support and love, and I know that some of you don’t have a big support network around you, but you do have the Duchenne Community on your side, we are all here for you with love & support I am happy to be a part of this Duchenne Family it’s amazing to have such wonderful caring people that I can turn to in my time of need and frustration THANK YOU ALL!!!!

This photograph shows my Husband Mark & My Dad Paul with our Boy Kye who wanted to take a walk with Daddy & Poppy Two amazing Duchenne Dads!!!

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